Shipping policy
Blue Lagoon Skincare offers free standard shipping within the United States on all orders over US $95.
Standard shipping cost is US $9.90, with expected delivery in 3-5 business days. Express shipping cost is US $29,
with expected delivery in 2-4 business days. Overnight shipping cost is US $49.90, with expected delivery in 1-2 business days.
Please note that it may take us up to 3 business days to prepare and ship orders depending on the weekday and holidays. However, we aim to ship all orders within 1-2 business days.
USA Orders
All US orders are shipped from our warehouse in New Jersey, USA.
Orders are delivered to the customer's door. Sales tax is excluded from the USD product price in the Blue Lagoon online shop and is to be paid according to the tax regulations of each state.
Canada and various countries in South and Central America:
All orders are shipped from our warehouse in New Jersey, USA. Import fees may be applied upon delivery.
Blue Lagoon is not responsible for any assessed import fees. For further information on applicable import fees in your country, we recommend that you contact the customs authorities.
Orders are delivered to the customer's door. Sales tax is to be paid according to the tax regulations of each country.
Every Blue Lagoon product purchased in Blue Lagoon Skincare online shop comes with an unconditional guarantee. Should you not be satisfied with your purchase you can request a return within 30 days from the date of delivery through your account or through the form accessible at "my orders and return" . We will share with you more information and arrange your return or refund. Please note that we only refund the product not the shipping. As soon as the returned items are received at our warehouse, refund is processed. The refund procedure may take up to 14 days.